For Me by Dee - Homewares Collaboration

Uncanny Animals is honoured to collaborate with the incredible local Artist Dee from For Me by Dee.
Most of you will recognise two of our blessed shop dogs - Tofu and Tempeh. Their portraits were expertly done by the fabulous Dee in her latest collection.
Dee is just as passionate about creating beautiful artwork as she is about creating connections and telling stories. With each stunning animal portrait she creates, she shares the animal's story, character traits and personality types to help you pick animals with meaningful connections to yourself.
Dee is also continuously searching for ways to give back to community, so for the month of November 2022 $5 from all Uncanny Animals "Tofu" and "Tempeh" pillowcases will be donated to headspace.
This is fitting because of both Tofu's and Tempeh's Character Profiles shared on For Me by Dee which you can read below.
You can buy your own pillowcase, tea towel or gift card in our store and on our online store.
Resilient & Sensitive. “Mental Health Warrior”
After being the victim of two serious dog attacks, Tofu’s mental health rapidly declined. It was around the same time as his human, Annie, also saw her mental health take a hit.
On the same day, Annie and Tofu decided to take the steps necessary to help them heal. Through this healing process, Tofu found it relaxing to have his hair brushed and even done up in colours brightening the hard times – this was the birth of Annie’s grooming career!
Watching Tofu heal gave Annie hope and removed the stigma around medication as she saw the impact it had on Tofu. Although Tofu’s medication was only for a short while, it was vital in helping him recover.
Through healing with Tofu, Annie realised —
It’s okay to be sad when things are sad, but we deserve resilience.
It’s okay to feel fear when things should be feared, but we all deserve peace.
It’s okay to sleep in or stay up late, but sometimes we need rest, balance and routine.
It’s okay to despair when things are hard, but we deserve to keep on living.
Today Tofu lives happily, coming to Annie's salon each day. He is sensitive to how other’s feel, both human and animal. If you cry, no matter who you are, he will appear to lick away your tears. If a dog is upset in the grooming salon he will do a cry-howl “wahhhoooo” to bring it to the human’s attention.
Tofu is a reminder of how far we can come and how our lives can turn around– because of this, his face is the logo of the business, "Uncanny Animals."
Authentic, Gentle, “Uncanny”.
Often people comment on Tempeh’s appearance in an unfavourable way. She is completely bald except a few untameable whiskers and hairs on her head. Her body is less of a show dog conformation, and more like Mr Burns from the Simpsons. She only has a few teeth left, and sometimes she genuinely forgets she has four legs and only uses three.
The first year of Tempeh’s life was spent in neglectful conditions, which meant she also didn’t learn many social skills. She doesn’t understand the deal of the dog park, she doesn’t know why dogs like balls so much?!
Frankly, she is a bit awkward, a bit weird.
Despite all this, Tempeh is one of the kindest dogs you’ll meet. She has never growled, nor run away. She stands back to let others feed first, and even curls up in a ball acting like a water bottle on people’s tummies when they are sick. She has a calming effect on all dogs around her; so much so she’s become somewhat of a therapy dog at her mum's grooming salon, sitting with nervous dogs as they are groomed. Her friendship with her companion Tofu was key to helping his mental health. She also has a FABULOUS wardrobe for her little naked body – further embracing her “Uncanny” appearance.
Precious Tempeh is the pin-up girl for those that don’t often fit in but live their lives kindly and authentically as who they are.