The Teddy Bear Cut is when the coat is taken down, but still left somewhat fluffy, unlike the Lion Cut that is done with blade. This is the groom we use to "style" the cat.
In addition to increasing overall hygiene, Teddy Bear Cuts allow your cat to stay relatively warm in colder weather while cutting down on the length of hair shed, decreasing knotting/matting, and hairballs. It is an easier style to maintain for owners rather than long coats.
Teddy Bear Cuts are mostly completed with a combination of hand scissoring and extension combs.

Premium Double Shampoo
Grease Removing Goo
Premium Conditioner
Body Coat Scissor work
Full Brush Out
Nails Cut
Paw Pad Shave
Outer-Ear Clean
Gentle Cat-Safe Dry
Feet, Booties & Tails Scissored to shape
Face and/or Chest Scissored and Styled
Cat-Safe Cologne (optional)
Report Card
This groom is Sustainable Salon Certified - to help reduce environmental impact!
→Teddy Bear Cuts are one of the most technically challenging cat grooms, and take a masterful groomer and a bit more time than other grooms. Because of this, they are also the highest priced cat groom.
→Teddy Bear Cuts are not open to cats with extensive matting. This is because we need to be able to get a comb through the coat in order for it to be completed. Matted cats generally receive Lion Cuts