Despite their piggy name, guinea pigs are quite clean animals. Nevertheless, it’s important for their human carers to assist with grooming to maintain their optimal health and hygiene.
Some guinea pigs will lick and preen themselves, but like cats and rabbits, whatever is on their coat will be ingested which poses issues to their health. Grooming also helps maintain body temperature, prevents walking problems from nail over-growth, helps avoid consequences from matting (like overheating, hotspots and body restriction) while also providing general comfort.
All Grooms include:
Cleaning of Grease Gland
The grease gland is located at the end of the spine and emits an oily, thick substance which is used to scent mark their territory. When this substance dries, it cakes on to the Guinea Pig which can mat and holds a fairly strong odour.
Nail Cutting
Nail cutting is essential for guinea pigs especially as most pets live on soft surfaces stopping nails from any chance of naturally wearing down. If not maintained, over-grown nails can affect walking which can be very uncomfortable and put stress on joints.
Brushing and/or de-shedding a guinea pig is extremely beneficial. It prevents knots and matting, ventilates the coat assisting the prevention of over-heating, facilitates healthy hair growth and stimulates hair follicles, removes loose hair and debris, and spreads natural oils, helping protect hair and skin.
Ear Clean
Guinea pigs have very thin ears which are much more delicate than most other pet species. Their ears tend to become dry and accumulate dead skin over time which can be itchy. A dirty ear is not only uncomfortable, but also more desirable for unwanted pests. Ear cleaning is an important part of keeping your piggy happy and healthy.
We try to avoid bathing guinea pigs as coming in for grooming is already a bit stressful, and bathing can add extra stress. However, sometimes bathing a guinea is absolutely necessary and we have no other option. These reasons being:
- Urine and faeces covered fur
- Using a conditioning treatment to detangle very tangled or matted hair
- Using a conditioning treatment to remove extreme amounts of debris
- Caked on grease gland that can not be sponged
- Hair requiring scissor work that is unmanageable without pre-bathing.
The shampoo and conditioner we use is designed for rabbits and guinea pigs and is completely safe and non-toxic.
Bathing is an add-on service of $30

- Grease gland clean
- Nail Cut
- Outer Ear Clean
- Brush out to make sure there is no knots and to prevent matting
- De-Shedding removal of blown out coat and loose hair
- Report Card
- Grease gland clean
- Nail Cut
- Outer Ear Clean
- Brush out to make sure there is no knots and to prevent matting
- Full scissor work to prevent hair dragging on the ground, increase visibility, and help general neatness
- Report Card

- Grease gland clean
- Nail Cut
- Outer Ear Clean
- Removal of matting using a combination of clippers, scissors and conditioning treatments
- Scissor work to finish and neaten
- Report Card
*Matting Grooms are charged according to the extensiveness of the matting and how tightly compacted the matting is.